NOTICE: Microsoft Edge users a setting change may be required to gain full functionality in Microsoft Edge.

STEP 1: From the login page in your Microsoft Edge browser, right click on the browser tab. If available, select "Reload tab in Internet Explorer mode". If this option is NOT available, immediately proceed to step 2. Otherwise, select the options "Open this page in compatibility view" and "Open this page in Internet Exporer mode next time". Click "Done" and proceed with login.

STEP 2 (If required): Open the Edge main menu by clicking on the three dots ... in the upper right corner of the screen and select "Settings" and navigate to "Default Browser". In the section "Allow sites to be reloaded in Internet Exporer mode" select "Allow". Click the button to restart Edge. Edge will restart. Close the settings tab. Proceed back to Step 1 to complete the process.

NOTE: When successfully completed, you will see a banner at the top of the page notifying you are in Internet Explorer mode.

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